Scott Terry

Phone: 407-310-4899

facebook:    The-LES-B-MORE-Band

Reverb Nation:


"You all did a great job I am super excited about how super you did."  - 2012 Private Party, Heathrow, FL


Our pricing is based on a multitude of factors such as the number of attendees, necessary equipment, location, indoor/outdoor, and length of time requested among other factors.

Keep in mind that, when a client hires a live band, not only are they paying for the music performance, but also for the labor of setup and breakdown of equipment, travel time & expense.

With all that in mind, our fees are both reasonable and often negotiable.  We aim for giving you the best possible market price.


THE LES B MORE BAND is an "all-live" band. We are self contained in that we provide all our own sound equipment needed to perform. Our standard setup generally overs up to about 200-300 people. We can arrange sound and lighting to whatever degree necessary using sound engineers and by supplementing with added equipment. Having quality sound is critical to a successful event. 

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